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Recycling: easy? True or False.

Recycling, easy in concept. Way more complicated, going far beyond the can, bin or dumpster at your residence or business.

The "behind the scenes" for manufacturers can be complex, consisting of four types of Government mandated demands.

Demand manufacturers to use recycling in their operations:

  1. Minimum Recycled Content requires a certain percentage of recyclable material in a manufactured item.
  2. Utilization Rates is more flexible in meeting recycling requirements and allows any part of an operation to practice recycling, not just the material in the product, alone. Permits outsourcing of recycling efforts.

Government power used to increase recycling:

  1. Procurement Policy
  • Set Asides - requires a certain amount of money to be set aside, spent specifically on recyclable products.
  • Price Preferences - provides a larger budget when recycled items are purchased.

Product Labeling requires the manufacturer to label how much of the product is made out of recyclable material, including the packaging.

Law can be different country to country, state to state, providence to providence. For example, in the US, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires oil, paper, tires and insulation from recycled or refined resources, whenever possible.

Recycling, critical to an environment. Its economy, too! Please share a thought... collaborative effort "required".

kphalen 04.12.2015 0 3476
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