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Smart City: spectacular actions and reactions

Educating people. Opening doors. No key to these cities.

Snowball effect...contagious, results in impressive change. Every community ""is capable"" of adoption. Taking steps towards Smart City.

Spectacular Smart City Actions and Reactions

BUILDINGS - A city in London, recognizes the post office as a main local attraction. A historical gathering place for residents. Transitions the environment converting it to welcoming: cleans up the space, scrapes gum off the floors, paints murals on the walls, gives wi-fi accessibility. A sense of belonging to community members. Transfers concept to 25 other historical post offices in the surrounding areas.

ENERGY AND WATER - A city implements the usage of small water meters in homes. Residents become aware of water usage. Result: less water usage per household. Lessens burden on water source.

ENVIRONMENT - Restaurants maintain self-sustaining gardens as food resource. Food, viewed as alive and respected. Encourages healthier eating. Takes food to a homeless shelter, that previously would go to waste.

GOVERNMENT - Takes government officials on a well-planned tour of the city, showing them the worst of the worst conditions. All located in the city they manage. Tour ending, all seated on filthy, concrete flooring surrounded by 4 graffiti-filled walls, over looking a river with stench, and pollution filling the air from a local business. A pretty smart way to get those on board with your proposal.

HEALTHCARE - Internet-based systems, allowing medical facilities to share records online. Saves paper. Permits more patients to be treated per day.

PUBLIC SAFETY - Residents place tags in parts of city where they feel unsafe.

TRANSPORTATION - Pollution-free with Energy-efficiency. Need to say anymore?

The shock continues - Different ways Smart Cities come to be. When I first learned of the Smart City , I thought in terms of it being so complicated, difficult to even comprehend. I was so wrong. Often times, it's the smallest thing that makes the biggest difference.

Let's talk Smart City. Please share something you have seen or can do, to add to the "Smart City Action or Reaction".

kphalen 04.12.2015 0 2878
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