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Thermal profiling - One step further

Great news for road construction:

The whole topic of Thermal Segregation found its way not only to interested innovation leaders within certain construction companies, finally. Experiences and Know-How from early adopters (USA, Sweden) spreads to other countries like Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Russia...
It's been talked about in special groups, administration meetings, press, marketing. A lot of people realize the importance and the influence of these tools, like Pave-IR, to detect thermal segregation.

People start to talk about asphalt temperature because now it is visible. With these discussions we can start to improve the process and optimize things.

Pave-IR will be one of the tools to measure and visualize the "thermal picture" of asphalt road construction. Looking forward to this interesting topic.

mwatermann 21.03.2016 0 5577
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