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MOBA Xsite Excavator Systems in BIM

From the design to reviewing the project

When design modeling, design data, site management, construction, as build checks, and data handling come together we are talking about BIM (Building Information Modeling.) With the use of software, the complete process of a construction site will be optimized and more transparent. All relevant project data will be digitally prepared, collected, combined, shared, and distributed between designers, surveyors, engineers, project management, MC-systems, and contractors.

Construction sites in BIM

This dream of a modern site begins it’s realization when surveyors pick up digital data. This data will be stored and becomes the base for the design of the 3D digital terrain model (DTM). With a specialized design software the construction engineer creates the new models, which are the core component in the construction business for all further project work.

Part of a highway embankment as DTM object

A DTM object is digital representation of terrain. It includes features such as elevation, slope, aspect, drainage, and other terrain attributes. It is the geometrical visualization of civil engineering construction works that contains all data needed to carry out the project on site. In BIM all these bits of data are available and handled in the same format for all parties on the project. Those involved include surveyors, design engineers, supervisors, machine operators, contractors, and authorities. In this context, machine-control becomes very important.

For machine-control usage the DTMs must be converted to a triangulation format. This model could be displayed as triangulation or as a 3D model, whatever the operator prefers. This data must be checked for deviations in the model; deviations are caused by the use of different CAD software. These include but are not limited to holes, incorrect elevations, and divergent slopes. Deviations can be corrected with the 3D-CAD software. After this data preparation process is complete, it can be sent via telemetry to Xsite PRO, a top of the line professional 3D-excavator–system.

Wiring data model with triangles on excavator screen 3D data model on excavator screen

Excavation in BIM project

Excavation will now be executed with the help and support of the 3D model which is imported onto the 3D excavator system. Through the duration of the process the operator has full information about the work progress and is able to identify obstacles such as pipes in his or her field of work. This attribute is useful in preventing collisions, which in turn reduce costs for rework and provide an extra assurance of safety. Finally the changes and the work carried out could be recorded and stored so that they are linked to the original design. This assures that all data is in the same location and nothing is lost or forgotten. In addition, the operator is able to prevent the unnecessary and time consuming work of over-excavation and refilling. The support required from surveyors is reduced to an absolute minimum and job site planning becomes independent of the availability of surveyors.

3D Excavator

During excavation, all data will be stored and can be transferred to the office in real time if needed. As actual position and construction progress are always visible, only those masses of soil will be moved that are absolute needed to excavate. With this state of the art excavation, productivity will increase significantly: with man and machine power is optimized, the site will be finished with the highest possible efficiency. After the work is finished build measurements will be taken with the 3D-excavator-system. This data will be stored, filed, and added via data transfer to the original data pool.

Data after job is finished

All data is available after the completion of the project and is accessible at any time. This data could be used for further planning, making this process a cyclical one that aids in continuous research and innovation. The newly generated data could be re-uploaded to the excavator system for use in a new project. All information from former activities is visible and helps to guide the operator quickly. This results in projects with less risk for damages on older infrastructure and higher accuracy of the work. The new generated data will be stored and added to the original file again.

Today the use of modern communication technology is a common on-site tool. Construction machinery is equipped with GNSS positioning systems, operators receive guidance and support from a touch screen computer, and supervisors can follow the location’s progress on mobile equipment. Wireless data transfer is the standard for exchanging data between the office and the site.

In order for the system to reach it’s highest potential it is essential to use common communication technologies, compatible data formats, and standardized crosslinks between all participants on site.


With systems like Xsite PRO, which supports all common data formats and all open interfaces and protocols, data of former projects can be opened and processed. The system enables a closed information flow and data exchange for the entirety of the project.

bmarx 07.12.2015 0 4747
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