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A study on the best ways to deal with material price volatility

Hi everyone,

My name is Ali Joukar, I have recently joined this great community and I am very glad!

I am a PhD candidate in engineering science at Louisiana State University, with a concentration on project management and quantitative methods, currently I am doing research on alternative strategies that the construction industry either is currently using or it could use to deal with (or manage) material price volatility. Ultimately, I intend to rank these methods with respect to various criteria, I am looking for people who have experience in the field of construction, in particular, highway projects that are more exposed to material price fluctuations (at least in larger projects) to KINDLY FILL OUT MY QUESTIONNAIREthth. it is an online questionnaire and it can be submitted very easily (the link to the questionnaire has been provided below). It takes approximately 15 minutes to answer all the questions.

The questionnaire has been designed in accordance with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, which is a very simple decision-making method. AHP takes advantage of the human ability to make relatively accurate pairwise comparisons between alternatives with respect to a specified criterion or set of criteria.

I have attached a very short pdf instruction to this email as well, Please make sure to download and review it before you fill out the questionnaire! Thank you so much for your help and considerations, I am looking forward to hearing from you all and see your opinions as well as having talks on this subject.

Ranking the best alternative strategies to deal with material price volatility in the highway construction projects.

Alireza Joukar

Ph.D. Candidate

235 Old Forestry Building

Louisiana State University

Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Tel: (225) 400-5949


Pairwise comparisons_Info&Instruction.pdf 310.4 K

ajouka1 26.08.2015 0 2171
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