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Mediocrity: a poison within

Make a promise not to compare yourself to anyone else. Can you do it? More difficult than it sounds. There is a greatness hidden within you, you need to find it, ignite it, bring it to life, blossom and shine. Are you settling for mediocrity?

Do you see that someone else, and think, “I want to be just like ----?” If so, then you are experiencing envy, jealously, a poison inside that will hold you back.Viewing others, can be motivating if the outcome is positive and the words in your head are healthy. Try shifting the focus from x,y and/or z person to I, Me, and My. This eliminates focus on the other, placing it back to the only person who you should be focused on, feel responsible for in thought and action, YOU and YOURSELF!

No matter the culture, the nature of a human being is to be competitive. We have to start competing at a young age, in subtle ways. As we grow in to adulthood, the competition changes in terms of what we have to compete for, but at the end of the day…competition is competition.

Are your actions ugly with others to make yourself look good? Do you speak unkind words about others to make yourself feel better? Do you belittle others to make yourself shine? Do you gossip for the sake of putting yourself on a pedestal? If so, then STOP! You are making a fool of yourself.

Remember, there is a greatness hidden within you, you need to find it, ignite it, bring it to life, blossom and shine. What are you going to do today, to be more than mediocre?

kphalen 07.12.2015 0 2566
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