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My personal way of continuous motivation in my daily routine

After reading the headline of my blog post, the one or other may already start to imagine their situation. You can imagine situations and ask yourself how you remain motivated and how you keep pushing and re-motivating yourself every day. You were maybe also thinking of moments when you are not as motivated as you would like to be. Little to no motivation can have an infinite number of reasons. Nutrition, sleep, private problems, missing organisation in your daily work, too many to do’s, other forthcoming things, diseases and finally the weather can slow you down and make it difficult again, when it comes to your motivation. This list could be extended indefinitely, and there will always be new points blocking your mind.

Is there a universal solution for motivation?

I don´t think that there is an existing universal solution, which every human being can follow in order to start fully motivated every single day or week. Perhaps there are some people who are not at all looking for great motivation. For me it is important to pursue and achieve my goals and visions. This can only be achieved through ongoing motivation - even when things are not running so smoothly.


My 7 steps to constant motivation

1. Define goals and redistribute them directly

At first, I started to think about my goals and visions. There are several larger goals, similar to a "bucket list". On this list, I wrote down what my goals in life should be – in working life as well as privately. These goals, dreams and visions are broken down into several milestones.

Here is an example what this list could contain:

Responsibility for employees - this is a goal that you have to work on for a longer time. This is not going to happen overnight. At least not in a way, so that one is satisfied and does the job really well. In spite of all this, the vision is, to be at the very top, and you have always considered this point as a big goal.

If you reach a point, where it does not run as smoothly as planned and your motivation isn´t present, use your list. This list helps to show again, what you want to achieve. We are talking about a lot of dreams and visions. There is usually always something to motivate yourself. As an example, you can always take the next planned vacation or something else, you are looking forward to, as a refreshment for your motivation.

2. 1. Step by step

As I have just mentioned, the least of all your listed points are going to be reached tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Therefore, I always try to divide my goals into milestones. Step by step planning and thinking leads to divisional sequences on the way up to the “big picture”. For me, this is the only way to guarantee that I will not overestimate- or lead myself in a direction I don´t want to go.

If a young man wants to become an ice-hockey pro, it is usually not enough to just point out his dream to be a NHL-Pro once in his lifetime. He has to think, learn and train step by step and also has to take his necessary time. This is the only way to have a persistent motivation on his way to his big dream.

3. 2. Stay flexible

Life, as well as the working life shows you quite quickly that despite visions and plans, it often comes different than you think. Therefore you should have a certain flexibility. This means that you have to be ready to change your plans a little bit - in the worst case even completely. Some things are simply not in your hands and you have only one option – react to what´s happening around you. Always have a Plan B in mind. This Plan B gives you a certain degree of safety and helps you deal with setbacks better.

4. 3. Carry on, even if it is sometimes not easy

"Who fights can lose! Who does not fight has already lost"

On the way to your goals, as well as each of its milestones, it is not always easy. Quite contrary, we are talking about a path that is quite rocky. In the rarest cases, everything runs smoothly. However, if you are convinced of your goals, you should keep going and fight for your cause. In most cases, you´ll get rewarded for your patience and efforts. You´ll learn from each conflict situation and remember, how to deal with it, when it comes up again. Situations, where you despaired the last time.

Especially in Jobs as in Product Management, a lot of gears have to mash in order that everything runs smoothly. Many departments with many employees work together to reach that one big goal. Motivate all your teams as often as possible and keep everyone satisfied. A key process for your own personal motivation.

5. 4. Try new things - go your own way - be pragmatic

In my opinion, the pragmatist has clearly an advantage compared to the non-pragmatists in regards to all the points mentioned above. At best, always try to go your own way. Look around you. How do others do it? What do others do well, what can or should I do differently? To do things differently does not mean to make them better, but how can I solve something so I remain motivated and yet as unhindered as possible when focusing on my goals? Follow laws and structures, but the path to your goal may be a very own one. Learn from your mistakes, learn from the mistakes of others.

5. Discover and develop your own strengths!

Role models can be a great motivator: Steve Jobs, as well as Bill Gates are probably two of the most known role models in the "technology & marketing area". In spite of this, make sure, that you don´t forget to discover, promote and deploy your own strengths. You are not an outstanding football player when you can shoot free kicks and then cheer like Christiano Ronaldo. One is not a technique & marketing genius, if one can present products and technologies like once Steve Jobs does.

With this way of thinking, there is a high risk that you forget that we are talking about only one or two small out of so many elements, that make these individuals professionals and visionaries. You have to find your own elements, own strengths and weaknesses to make the best possible out of you.

6. Use contrast programs and time-outs to gain new strength and motivation

It starts with your daily breakfast and lunch breaks. It has its purpose, why most of us have legally set breaks. These breaks should be used, in order to switch off your head for a short time and gain new motivation. You cannot see the trees in the forest, if you are constantly working on the same topic. Sometimes, a short walk can enormously help to return to the workplace motivated and more relaxed.

The same applies to private life. In my personal life, sport helps me in every way to switch off and to think ideas through. It motivates me to work towards my goals, plans and milestones. Offer your mind an alternative program. If you are not able to go further because the motivation is missing, access your list and look for another point where you can continue to stay motivated.

Contrast programs can be very diverse. One reads a book, the other needs to watch TV a few minutes, others go out for a good dinner. Everyone has to find out for themselves, how and where he or she can find and use his or her time out.

7. 7. Be inquisitive

In addition to pragmatism, inquisitiveness is another very important feature that helps me to stay motivated and to keep moving. Inquisitiveness is a decisive factor because it brings new ideas, new insights, alternatives and helps in private, as well as in your working life. Today you have almost unlimited access to news and information which speeds up your learning curve significantly. As soon as new insights have been gained, this could create a motivation for something new, but perhaps also for one's own existing projects.



I could carry on with this topic forever and bring hundreds of examples. I hope I could pick up some of you and motivate you to find your own way to motivate yourself. Just try out the one or the other ideas. I think that I could add more points, but these 7 are the most basic ones on my personal list.

nikgiehl 04.01.2017 0 3759
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