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The MOBA Project Management - Part 9

Work packages

Work packages have to be broken down into the individual staff member’s skill Levels
(development of circuit diagrams, layout design, sample equipment etc.),
since only this way the capacity overload of single resources can be made transparent.

The team leader / department manager determines the content / extent of the work packages
together with the planned resources (staff members).

Work packages should be commented by the team leader / department manager or the Person
in charge in written form
- in case of relevant data needed for further project processes
- in case of problems (e.g. referring FMEA, info data base etc.)
- in case of missed deadlines or shortfalls

A template of a project structure plan (Gantt diagram) for each of the different product types is generated,
already containing the work packages defined with the team leaders / department managers.
If necessary, these templates can be adjusted.

Work package


Don’t miss the previous 8 parts from this series:
Part I (
Part II (
Part III (
Part IV (
Part V (
Part VI (
Part VII (
Part VIII (

To be continued…

s_sehr 01.11.2018 0 3017
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