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The future of remote support

The global Corona pandemic has catalyzed remote support solutions worldwide. The sudden disruption of travel and restriction of movement even in close surroundings has triggered companies to operate remotely and develop new techniques to overcome non-contact-based support with their clients. Remote Software support is already very common and has been used long before the latest pandemic. However remote support for physical installation, calibration work and troubleshooting are yet less exploited.

MOBA wants to ensure state of the art customer service hence we exploit the option of using Video glasses next to smartphone support to guarantee fast support without restriction on location time zones.

Source: Picture taken Google_Glass_with_frame.jpg (3128×1704) (

Video glasses have not yet made their way to the private consumer rather being a business tool for commercial ventures.

From being able to view a task through the eyes of a local technician from anywhere in the world to the option of displaying augmented realty in the view of the local “avatar” – video glasses offer divers option to revolutionize the future of remote support.

Although video glasses and connected software options may not have yet the full capabilities that ensure smooth remote support, it is just a matter of time until this technology conquers businesses that demand global service & support

MOBA is taking part in this new feature by testing and evaluating the most effective ways and solutions that are offered by the video glass market to ensure our full evolvement of our digital potential




MOBA technician Dominik Götz working in a paver testing available Video glasses


What do you think about global support via video technology such as video glasses?

Please comment below and give us your feedback.


Alex_Wahlmann 23.06.2021 1 4722
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  •  hmendes: 

    Very nice idea Alex, to use such technology to a global support via video glasses. We can reduce barriers like time zones, issues like pandemics restrictions and so on...

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