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Turning an Idea into a Product I

In this blog post, considering many different steps, I will describe the milestones you have to reach if you want to turn an idea into a product.

Of course, there are a lot of existing blogs, templates and publications describing exactly these steps I want to talk about.

What makes my blog special and worthwhile reading is the fact, that I´ll try to describe not only the theoretical steps.


I will focus on what your mind is going through during these steps. I will include my personal way of solving this kind of problems. I will also focus on different options to eliminate problems on your rocky path of turning an idea into a product.




STEP 1: Having an idea and turning it into a first theoretical solution


It can be you, a product manager, a sales manager, a developer, it can be everyone - even a customer or someone who has no idea of the application. Everyone can have or find value-added features for a new or an existing application. It usually starts with a problem. Something is missing or not working as smooth or as good as it should or could work.


A problem appears

For example, imagine the computer mouse. Before there was a computer mouse on the market, people used to navigate through their software by only using their keyboard, texting codes, jumping from page to page, far away from innovative navigation and working. So someone had to find a solution to make the daily work easier.This is just one example out of millions. This kind of problem appears every day in applications all around the world!


What are the benefits of solving the problem you just found?

Before you start to come up with ideas, why there should be a new development for something or when a completely new invention is needed, you should ask yourself who can benefit from a solution for this particular problem. Who would use that? In which markets could this idea be helpful? If you have some potential users in mind, you automatically start to brainstorm ideas.


Your first ideas

Usually, you start with brainstorming, asking yourself, what things can be done to make a process or an application easier than it is at the moment. You collect information and look for existing things on the market or even in nature.

A good example for templates from nature are flying objects like planes, helicopters, or parasailers. The first inspiration and the first design was 1 to 1 copied from animals with wings like birds or even rays.

You will find out, that the first brainstorming can be really disappointing, depending on how complicated it is to solve the problem. You usually start very innovative and fast with your mind and thoughts, but all of a sudden, there will be a point, where you run out of ideas – it just stops, it´s like a black-out.

A good moment is to stop thinking about your new idea. Take time to do some completely different. Get some exercise, eat something, talk about other things – free your mind!


The idea starts to grow in your subconscious

You did the first steps, and now it is time to trust your subconscious. You will now have moments in your everyday life, where your new idea pops up. It can be during work, watching a movie or some minutes before you fall asleep.

For me, the 10 minutes before I fall asleep are the most important mind opening minutes during the day. This is the time where my personal subconscious is the most productive, delivering ideas for my work but also for all my personal projects and plans. The more productive my mind is, the longer I need until I fall asleep.

Ideally, you will recognize, how everything comes together and starts to make sense. And there always will be a solution if you stay open- minded and don´t give up – A sort of solution also could be, that you are not able to find an answer without the help of your colleagues, friends or family.

Think positive, stay open-minded, motivated and be realistic, then you won´t be disappointed!


It “clicks”

All of a sudden after hours, days, weeks or even months. It “clicks”. All your ideas, your different ways, trying to find a fix to solve your problem come together and you have a plan in mind, how a solution could look like. This is a good feeling! Now you start to work with your solution in your mind. You start to optimize your thoughts several times until you finally have your first result!


Tell it to someone or not?

Often, a second opinion can hinder the whole project. So there is really no telling if the second point of view is good or bad.

Personally I nearly always like the way of sharing my ideas with someone else, just to make sure I didn´t forget an obvious point before I take further steps.

Most have that one friend or colleague. The one, who will give you the most honest answer. The one who also asks you if she/he needs a candid opinion.

This type of friend or colleague is needed now. Tell her/him the problem, describe your idea. Ask her or him for feedback and how she/he would handle it. What you do not need now is an “apple-polisher”. You need a second opinion and hard facts.


Two possible answers – one way to go

If your idea makes sense, you will get a positive feedback and maybe some additional ideas to think about. You can continue the process of finding a solution. A positive feedback will give you great motivation and reassurance that you are on the right track.

The second variant is a bad or a very critical feedback! Now it is time to ask yourself, how to improve your solution. What can you change to make it easier and more feasible?

So no matter what the answer out of a possible feedback is, go on with your work. Don´t stop!


Fortunate to work at a company like MOBA

Now, after your first solution is born, you are fortunate, if you are working for a company like MOBA, where everyone, coming up with a great idea or a vision has the chance to present it.

And sometimes it turns into a real project, and you get the chance to be part of, or even lead your own project or vision. You have the opportunity to transform your idea into a product, even if there might be a long way to go.



Now it is the time for the next step...



Follow me on my journey and find out what the next steps are in the blog post

"Put your thoughts on paper"

nikgiehl 22.02.2016 0 5083
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