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Wire it up! About strips, plugs and CANopen controllers

Many times I have seen the use of a mobile controller in a cabinet. A controller is mounted next to the terminal strip, and the plug of the controller is wired to this strip.

Why not use a controller which already has the terminal strip on top and save the cable, the strip and the working time?

The MOBA controller has several plugs with clamps on top. OEMs are able to wire their machines directly to the top of the controller. In case a controller has to be changed, one can just disconnect the plugs and change the controller within minutes.

The MOBA controller comes with the following I/O structure:

2 X CANopen

13 x Digital Inputs

3 X Digital Inputs for high Frequency

8 X Analog Inputs

6 X PWM Output current controlled

4 X Digital Outputs

1 X 5 VDC Voltage supply source (150mA)

The controller is potted and specified for mobile use. Two controllers together are suitable for PL_d applications in a category 3 structure.

By adding the MPC 113, you will have a 32 Bit controller. This price-sensitive controller is already equipped with a redundant category 3 structure, TÜV approved, programmable with CoDeSys, and offers the following features:

2 X CAN open

12 Digital/Analog Inputs

12 Digital/PWM Outputs with status feedback input

2 High current Outputs (5A)

CPU clock 168 MHz; 2 Mbytes of internal Flash memory; 256 Kbytes internal RAM; 4 Kbyte internal RAM with battery backup (256 Kbyte shared Flash memory for data logger functions); shared Real Time clock.

Imagine you can combine two of the above Controller modules and getting twice the related I/O structure. Additionally, you can use the redundant MPC 113 centralised or decentralised!

This is an enormous I/O structure altogether: 60 Outputs; 34 inputs and two CANopen interfaces with each unit. The full structure is redundant (category 3) and TÜV approved. Are you positively surprised? Please contact Boris Zils at for a quote and you might be surprised once more by the competitive price structure these controllers have to offer.

Boris_Zils 22.06.2016 0 4484
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