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Sonic ski plus sesnsorhead test

When you connect sonic ski with mobamatic in extended menu you can test each sensorhead separately. Im interested if you can do the same in sonic ski plus. In the past this function help me in diagnostic and reavel several problems. Sorry for my bad english

The measurement information of each Sonic-Ski oscillator (Sonic Ski and Sonic-Ski plus) is generally transmitted via the sensor interface.

But due to storage/performance bottlenecks, we had to take out dealing with this information at the MOBA-Matic I_CAN parameter menu. (All controllers with software 4.XX)

With our actual controller for the MOBA-matic II system (MMC-2000), this indication is available again. In addition to the indication of each individual measured values of all 6 sensor heads, we also show at this version of how often a component (a sensor) has registered in the CAN network. Thus, e.g. problems with cable or plug connections can be identified (when sensor start its log in again after an interrupted of power supply).


Thanks for the quick answer. You say that information from each oscilator in sonic ski plus is avalible via interface, what do you have im mind? Can i look it up over CAN in my PC using some kind can2usb softwere? I cant do it from moba matic CAN as you said my controler has 4.26 softwere in side. I can do it from moba matic 2 but that mean i have to buy extra controler btw is moba matic 2 is compatibile with moba matic CAN version?

That's right. With your current controller you do not have the indication of each oscillator available at the parameter menu. But the information itself is available on the CAN-BUS. So with the right tool you can monitor any message sent over the CAN-BUS on a PC (If it is indicated at the controller or not).

The MMC-2000 controller is compatible to all former MOBA-matic CAN controllers (V4.26, V4.28, V4.xx, ...) so you can replace without changing any other component or cable. But yes, that is an additional investment.


I check the frames send from sonick ski plus on the can bus but i get single id/frame with general high / distance from the ground. Maybe im using wrong tool or i need to send right frame to sonic ski plus to get info about each oscilator. I tray this on stand alone sonic ski plus without controler maybe with moba matic can connected to sonic i get more can frames. I chek it later. Thanks for replay.

To get the individual single oscillator information you have to connect the controller and Sonic-Ski sensor together because the single measurements only sent to the CAN-Bus if a connected controller is requesting them.


Ok thanks for help. I read the frame from sonic that i think contains info about each oscilator. Now i just need to proces it to make it more user freandly. I was hoping that each oscilator have his own frame. One quick frame meake it harder to proces. Thanks for your support. Best regards

Hello. Checking and procesing raw can frames was no go. I endup with new Moba Matic 2 can 4.26 controller. It's pretty nice. I read the operators manual but i cant find how to lookup each sensorhead or other service info about errors. Its problly some combination of keys like the older one. Can you help me out with this. Best regards