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Increasing urbanization, changing social and ecological circumstances and new forms of economic development put new challenges before cities and their citizens. It is thus important to create a platform and meeting point for experts to discuss future urban development. Smart City Expo World Congress as a global event to support the development of cities gathers exhibitors and visitors from all over the world to create synergies, share knowledge and inspire a call for action.

Great technological progress plays a major role in this event since it provides new opportunities for Smart Cities of the future. With its technological expertise in mobile automation, MOBA is glad to contribute to a global forum by providing modern technologies for intelligent waste management.

For more information on this topic about Smart Cities, don't hesitate to step by at our booth at SMEWC N° F606! We are looking forward to your visit!

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Date start15.11.2016 09:00
Date end17.11.2016 19:00
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