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Comfortable with "Quiet". Are you?

Ever thought your world is a little too quiet at the moment? No texts, e-mails are light, phone’s not ringing. What’s going on? Am I being left out? Where is everybody? Am I not needed? Certainly something must be up. The mind starts to wonder. Doesn’t it? Drifting to places where you almost have to “wake it up”, to snap it back in to reality.

Did you know that the average person, is not comfortable with silence, quiet and being alone? Think about that: NOT comfortable with SILENCE, QUIET and BEING ALONE. After digesting the thought, it does makes sense. Generally speaking, people are busy, especially working people. With “Busy”, comes: noise, lights, stimulation from the environment. There is a cliché. It goes as such: “I’ve got things to do, places to go and people to see”. Well geez, with all that… who would have time for, let alone be comfortable with…silence, quiet and being alone.

I challenge you to find a few minutes, or even the next time you sense the feeling of quiet come in to your space. Enjoy it. Listen to it. What’s it saying? What’s it telling you? I don’t know what answers you will get, but take the permission to relax, be calm, stay grounded, jump off the roller coaster of ""busy"", even for a day or two. If you don’t, you will wear out. Becoming tired, burdensome to yourself and others, irritable, not-so-pleasant to be around. What’s it going to be? It's your call. Make of it what you see a good fit, for you. How can we tame our lion within? Practicing to be more comfortable with the silence, quiet and alone time.

kphalen 22.09.2015 0 3165
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