Finding GAIN in time of LOSS...
- A friend loses a son, others support their family's “journey of readjustment”,
- another loses a boss, who took a position with a ""different company"",
- the promotion of a lifetime comes, but with that opportunity, one loses their team, their ""comfort zone"".
In the scenarios above, there is “loss”, experienced. As part of the circle of life, we lose people who are important to us. Sometimes we are put in situations that are uncomfortable… some by choice, others not:
- The friends who lost their son are planning to publicly speak of their loss, in the hopes of helping other suffering parents,
- the one whose boss left, has a new boss who is turning out to be a better fit, a favorable situation,
- the other who took the promotion, is happier that he’s ever been, having no clue what the change would do for him, way better opportunity.
Acceptable, and indeed, expected to undergo stress during a time of “loss”. People will come, and sometimes even go, and maybe unexpectedly... situations, too. As adults, we better understand when someone says, “Nothing is guaranteed”, “No thing is a forever thing” or “Live for today”. That being said, You are in a place to live for today, making the most of where you are, right here, right now. Please share a thought that comes to mind.