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First Mounted Aerial Platform Equipped with MRW-1000 Limit

Today, telescopic handlers or wheel loaders with working cages are common at job sites. These machines have gained more and more popularity due to their flexible application. By using a working cage on an aerial work platform, safety standards like EN-280 and the machine guideline 2006/42/EG have to be applied. Therefore, some manufacturers are already offering factory-installed add-ons for aerial work platforms as an option.

But what do you do if the machine got delivered without a pre- equipped working cage or if the manufacturer is not able to offer an optional working cage due to special requirements?

picture: Firma Decker GmbH

The company Decker in Limburg, Germany is able to master that challenge by offering customers a flexible solution for wheel loaders and telescopic handlers. Small working cages up to a 1 square meter do not require a load monitoring. In this case, an extended stand safety requirement with 150% of the allowed basket weight is sufficient.

If a customer requires a larger working cage, then a load monitoring system is obligatory. Decker is exclusively offering the first “large” work basket with load monitoring and basket control as a hang-on solution.

For measuring the cage weight, Decker uses the MRW-1000 limit. “We decided on the MRW due to its reliability and accuracy. Furthermore, it was an easy decision for the MRW, because the weight cell is TÜV- approved, easy to tare and to set the alarm point. The MRW is used as a safety application and is integrated in our safety-shutdown process. If the allowable weight is reached, the MRW sends a visual and acoustic alarm signal. In case the weight tolerance is reached, and an overload occurs, the machine stops.” described Klaus Schneider, Manager Sales at Decker GmbH.

Besides the compensation of angle load and an arm of lever, the MRW has even more benefits compared to alternative weighing systems. In detail, the MRW has only a connection between the telescope and basket, which makes the implementation easy. The MRW is mounted in a way that the basket can be still rotated, by mounting a rotary engine in front of the MRW. The accuracy of the MRW is improved through temperature compensation, which allows for exact weight measurements.

Right after finishing the first prototype, the customer decided on this new mounting equipment. Klaus Schneider:

“This equipped aerial work platform will be used in a mine in Sweden. Our current telescopic wheel loader will be slightly modified in our factory and then together with the mounting equipment sent in for approval by the official technical inspection body (TÜV). Our customer decided actively for our solution, because there have been so many benefits compared to other solutions.”

Besides the MRW-1000 Limit, MOBA also offers a wide variety of weighing cells. Latest development is the MRW-CAN. The redundant structure, the possibility to set up the baud rate, and the Node-IDs with a rotation counter, makes it an easy and comfortable system for machine integration.

More information to the MRWs here:

Load Limitation Control for work platforms - safety system solutions from MOBA: MOBA Mobile Automation AG

sebastian_schlesies 07.12.2015 0 6641
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