The company Korrus Technics Ldt. From Russia is the world best dealer of MOBA Mobile Automation AG Germany in the category “Balanced Growth” in 2016. The success of Korrus is not unnoticed in Germany. Despite the economical conditions of Russia,
Korrus doubled the purchase volume of MOBA in two years.
The President of MOBA Volker Harms and I, as Director of Sales (Eastern Europe, Russia CIS and MENEA), visited the company in Moscow last week.
The main reason for the visit was to hand out the Award Best Dealer “Balanced Growth” to General Director Rustam Rakhmatullin and Deputy General Director Aleksander Polysaev
From right to left: Erik Geis, Aleksander Polysaev, Rustam Rakhmatullin, Volker Harms
The second reason for our visit was Korrus’ 20th anniversary this year. Mr. Harms and I had the honor to congratulate for this jubilee on behalf of MOBA. As a small present, we brought a Whisky set for the two managers and a small delicacy for the employees.
Another important reason of this visit was to get an impression of some big construction projects in Russia and of how the Russians build roads.
The visit to the exiting construction site ZKAD, the new ring road around Moscow, included a meeting with the responsible construction manager and the technical specialist.