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PAYT & MOBA - Together for a smart collection

Yesterday in Milan, was placed the workshop with groups that co-operate with the Payt association. 

Payt, together with its associates, works to determine the elements that can be used to define a regulatory framework that is able to charge a fair and easy tariff and that it is the economic tool that can guide the evolution of the waste sector in Italy.

Moba contributes with its expertise in providing the technical elements that can help general legislation to find a common and reliable denominator in the implementation of the new waste tax calculation system.

Unfortunately, there is already a great deal of preference for high frequency identification (UHF) with the use of plastic bags. This is the direction that Italy is taking for this market and we are forced to follow it, although we know that low frequency technology would give more reliable results.

The important thing for the moment is to have the opportunity to participate in these workgroups and to understand where and how we can be competitive knowing that future tenders will ask the use of UHF identification with plastic bags.

We have also been involved in a new subgroup of work that deeply studies the technical part and in particular the measurement and control systems.

It will be my task to post updates of the upcoming meetings to share the news in this sector in Italy and compare it with other realities in the world.

I hope I was helpful.

I'm available for any clarification.



stefano 27.04.2017 1 3232
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  •  Markus: 

    Questo si sente molto interessante. Io sono molto curioso di sapere le novità.

    0 points
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27.04.2017 (2790 days ago)
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