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What do you think the "green industrial product" means in our industry?

Recently we got a proposal regarding the "green industrial product" from a big OEM in China, (nothing to do with food, agriculture product, plants......, only focus on heavy machinery industry and its attachment chain, like suppliers), inside the proposal, two interesting questions were listed:

  • R&D for green innovation products percentage in next 5 years.
  • Sales for new green products plan in next 5 years.

Before we answer these questions, we need to know what the "green industrial product" means for us. Like, the green machine, the common understanding might be with the environmental emission at least. What's your ideas about this topic? I guess different country has different perspectives. As moba is the control system supplier, what moba green product should means?

Thank you for the discussion.

sunyuyuan 07.12.2015 9 3515
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  •  mobaliguo: 
    Green industrial product in my mind : the Green not only mean the product is Green . but also means every link about the product is green ( reduce nature resource ,manpower resource, environment resource, etc.) is a system .

    just as: raw material, logistics , manufacture, product , use, scrap and cycling etc . every step is green ,and the result must be green! process green .
    0 points
  •  jandersatl: 
    I think Mobamatic and PaveIR could be regarded as green products. They both allow for optimization of road construction which leads to higher-quality roads that last longer thereby reducing the need for repairs and additional paving which of course consumes resources. I am sure there are other examples but as I am new with Moba my knowledge is limited.
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  •  bmarx: 
    Yes, this is the right direction. Hard for the industry but very well for the humans and our globe. Phillips started some activities in this direction for coffee maker and vacuum cleaners.
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  •  sunyuyuan: 
    Thanks for the link, Climent, like Jutta said, it is a great overview. This makes this topic richer.
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  •  jutta: 
    Great link, Climent! The link http://www.c2ccertified.o­rg/get-certified/product-­certification­ gives a great overview what a green product can look like and how to get certified. Material reutilization through recycling and reusing of materials, material health by listing all ingredients and parts of a product and avoidance of hazardous or non-renewable material and utilizing renewable energy for the manufacturing process are major parts of this concept.
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