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Big Sonic Ski - Latin America surrendered at evidence of its benefits…

Big Sonic Ski - Latin America surrendered at evidence of its benefits…

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Every day, I see and our distributors confirm that in Latin America, we are witnessing a new beginning of how to apply asphalt in new road construction or resurfacing. Particularly in Colombia and Peru, I and our business partners have been visiting major construction companies, universities, associations, road construction companies and some government agencies, to show the big potential of this excellent product.

With satisfaction I look at the results, which are growing little by little, step by step and I am convinced that this technology will have a boom of sales in the next 2 to 5 years.

Here are some photos that illustrate this work, provided by Eng. Gabriel Trujillo and me.

These machines are from the customers ‘CONASFALTOS’ and ‘Pavimentos Colombia’. These are two of the largest paving companies in Colombia, they are responsible for projects with great importance in Colombia and Peru.

"The customer ‘CONASFALTOS’ received very good feedback on the smoothness of the road, after having carried out the monitoring of the pavement with the equipment IRI (see a sample).

We would like to thank our distributor Geosystem Ing (Colombia, Guatemala and Panama) for being one of our distributors that stands out most in sales, installation and training of Moba Matic and Big Sonic Ski in pavers and in other machines, like cold milling machines. In particular, I want to thank Eng. Gabriel Trujillo for his development of MOBA products and his persistence.

hmendes 14.11.2016 2 4138
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