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Moba Blogs
from erik-geis ( 27.12.2023 ) 0
Tags : new Bigski, MOBA Super-ski, paving innovation, Ratings : 
Category : Road Construction, Paving Quality
Product rating after testing phase of the MOBA SUPER-SKI from Mr. Slawomir Szak company Budimex Pola
from erik-geis ( 27.12.2023 ) 0
Tags : Xsite easy, new Xsite EASY, Novatron Ratings : 
Category : Road Construction, Paving Quality, Earthmoving
The new Xsite EASY shows the excavator operator the depth, height and inclination of the bucket and
from erik-geis ( 27.12.2023 ) 0
Tags : Xsite, Xsite 3D, Xsite PRO, machine control, 3D dozer Ratings : 
Category : Road Construction, Paving Quality, Earthmoving, Earthmoving
  The new Xsite PRO 3D Dozer boosts your work and set the surface at the right level in one go! The
from FrankSchnee ( 04.07.2023 ) 0
Tags : Artificial, intelligence, construction, machinery, AI, ChatGPT, future Ratings : 
Category : Road Construction, Paving Quality, Earthmoving, Earthmoving, Road Construction
Artificial intelligence and its continuous development affect all the different sectors of industry.
from Alex_Wahlmann ( 12.06.2023 ) 0
Tags : MOBA AG, Laser matic, MOBA APAC, MOBA, Racetrack, smoothness, levelling, performance Ratings : 
Category : Road Construction, Paving Quality, Earthmoving, Earthmoving, Road Construction, Earthmoving
One of the top companies in Sharjah, UAE is relying on the MOBA Land Leveling System for tractors to

"each time, you look to see if it´s one of your measuring cells that´s installed". This is how the window cleaner greets me, with a big grin on his face, as he knows exactly why I walk over to him and to where my eyes wander on the rented machine. And, wha
sebastian_schlesies 14.07.2022 0 2716

"each time, you look to see if it´s one of your measuring cells that´s installed". This is how the window cleaner greets me, with a big grin on his face, as he knows exactly why I walk over to him and to where my eyes wander on the rented machine. And, wha
sebastian_schlesies 14.07.2022 0 1404

In a couple of minutes the Conexpo will open the doors. Join us in the central hall at our booth C32579 and have a look to our new products like the MSS-Hybrid Slope Sensor, the Stand Alone Joystick and also the new 6 Keypad module with the integrated powe
sebastian_schlesies 10.03.2020 0 2039

Whether the MRW 1000 Limit, MRW 4-20mA or MRW CAN - all variants also have an insulated version. The insulated versions are always used in instances where live cables or lamps are used. Additional manufacturing steps and special components ensure that no e
sebastian_schlesies 19.12.2018 0 3501

In todays’ world, digitization is becoming increasingly popular, especially in mobile applications. Without doubt, digitization offers numerous advantages. Especially in support cases, the so-called remote support offers a good possibility to support the u
sebastian_schlesies 10.12.2018 0 3994

In recent years, safety has globally become increasingly important on the construction site. Headlines like “Struck-by fatalities most prevalent in construction industry” or “Work-related accidents” are alarming – not only on a personal level b
Markus 22.02.2018 0 5903

Today they started with the update of our façade in the headquarter. The hired company who is doing that job rent a lifter, which is using a MRW to measure the weight in the basket.   Welcome at home MRW!  
sebastian_schlesies 09.02.2018 0 2735

Until the end of 2016, MOBA sold 23.867 MRWs. This would make a pile, which is even higher than the highest mountain in Germany, the Zugspitze. Numbers are rising. The Moment compensating Redundant Weigh Cell thus is the most successful load limitation sol
sebastian_schlesies 28.06.2017 0 4526

New standard in US and Canada – A92 In the beginning of February 2017, two new standards for safety relevant applications of aerial working platforms were established. Since this date, all manufacturers who intend to sell their machines in the United Stat
Sebastian_Boe 07.06.2017 2 6480

At the beginning of each new project, in which the MRW is used, there always remains the question of how to install the MRW. Factors, such as the maximum weight of the cage or the general place conditions need to be considered in detail in order to achieve
sebastian_schlesies 29.07.2016 0 3646
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