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from erik-geis ( 27.12.2023 ) 0
Tags : new Bigski, MOBA Super-ski, paving innovation, Ratings : 
Category : Road Construction, Paving Quality
Product rating after testing phase of the MOBA SUPER-SKI from Mr. Slawomir Szak company Budimex Pola
from erik-geis ( 27.12.2023 ) 0
Tags : Xsite easy, new Xsite EASY, Novatron Ratings : 
Category : Road Construction, Paving Quality, Earthmoving
The new Xsite EASY shows the excavator operator the depth, height and inclination of the bucket and
from erik-geis ( 27.12.2023 ) 0
Tags : Xsite, Xsite 3D, Xsite PRO, machine control, 3D dozer Ratings : 
Category : Road Construction, Paving Quality, Earthmoving, Earthmoving
  The new Xsite PRO 3D Dozer boosts your work and set the surface at the right level in one go! The
from FrankSchnee ( 04.07.2023 ) 0
Tags : Artificial, intelligence, construction, machinery, AI, ChatGPT, future Ratings : 
Category : Road Construction, Paving Quality, Earthmoving, Earthmoving, Road Construction
Artificial intelligence and its continuous development affect all the different sectors of industry.
from Alex_Wahlmann ( 12.06.2023 ) 0
Tags : MOBA AG, Laser matic, MOBA APAC, MOBA, Racetrack, smoothness, levelling, performance Ratings : 
Category : Road Construction, Paving Quality, Earthmoving, Earthmoving, Road Construction, Earthmoving
One of the top companies in Sharjah, UAE is relying on the MOBA Land Leveling System for tractors to

With MOBA’s MDS-1000 drilling system, you can prepare your blast with precisely measured, uniform drill holes and immediately increase your cost efficiency. Save yourself time-consuming manual measurements and drill absolutely parallel holes of the same de
Alex_Wahlmann 30.06.2020 0 3066

   A MOBA Australia Customer trialed an XSITE 3D system back in February 2020. After working with our competition for many years, The customer decided to try something new. Just a few months later, our customer went on to purchase 3 systems. Due to unma
Alex_Wahlmann 27.06.2020 0 3753

Also, in times of Corona, we are still busy in Australia supporting customers to successfully complete their tasks and works sites. No job to big or small, no way too far. Below, please find some pictures from a recent installation of our Dual Laser Contr
Alex_Wahlmann 27.04.2020 0 3912

In my last article, I explained the two possible ways of project management and also presented the combination of both ways as a hybrid approach. For some time now, we at MOBA have been combining both paths in suitable projects to form a hybrid development
aholleyn 24.03.2020 0 5492

On Thursday afternoon, MOBA AUS receives a request for an urgent install of a Big Sonic Skiabout next day. The customer is resurfacing Broadford Motorcycle Complex, the project is located just outside of Melbourne. The customer needs a Big Sonic Ski (BSS
Alex_Wahlmann 22.12.2019 0 5871

Social networks have become integral parts of our more and more digitized world. And not only for private use, but also for business these networks have become important channels for networking and interaction. With more than 90 percent, almost all big Ger
FrankSchnee 17.12.2019 0 2126

The GS 506 machine control system enables the operator to accurately level and grade undergrounds with a variety of sensors. The system offers free mobility in difficult terrain and increases efficiency and work speed. All stakeholders of the application
Alex_Wahlmann 13.11.2019 0 4806

Customer change requests during the ongoing project The target specification developed together with the customer describes the functional requirements of the new development project. With the release of the requirement specification in written form, thi
jung-roland 01.11.2019 0 2081

JEMCO has yet performed another DEMO to Japanese Construction companies to show the advantage of the MOBA PAVE IR system. The picture below shows the dramatic state of a rural street in Japan. As one can identify on the picture below, the street is covere
Alex_Wahlmann 17.10.2019 0 4062

QSBW 4.0 means Quality Roadconstruction Baden-Württemberg and is the most advanced and most digitalized working plan we have in Germany. Published in 2018, we had a lot of pilot projects running this year. The goal is to have as much as possible digitized
nikgiehl 26.09.2019 0 4049
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