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from erik-geis ( 27.12.2023 ) 0
Tags : new Bigski, MOBA Super-ski, paving innovation, Ratings : 
Category : Road Construction, Paving Quality
Product rating after testing phase of the MOBA SUPER-SKI from Mr. Slawomir Szak company Budimex Pola
from erik-geis ( 27.12.2023 ) 0
Tags : Xsite easy, new Xsite EASY, Novatron Ratings : 
Category : Road Construction, Paving Quality, Earthmoving
The new Xsite EASY shows the excavator operator the depth, height and inclination of the bucket and
from erik-geis ( 27.12.2023 ) 0
Tags : Xsite, Xsite 3D, Xsite PRO, machine control, 3D dozer Ratings : 
Category : Road Construction, Paving Quality, Earthmoving, Earthmoving
  The new Xsite PRO 3D Dozer boosts your work and set the surface at the right level in one go! The
from FrankSchnee ( 04.07.2023 ) 0
Tags : Artificial, intelligence, construction, machinery, AI, ChatGPT, future Ratings : 
Category : Road Construction, Paving Quality, Earthmoving, Earthmoving, Road Construction
Artificial intelligence and its continuous development affect all the different sectors of industry.
from Alex_Wahlmann ( 12.06.2023 ) 0
Tags : MOBA AG, Laser matic, MOBA APAC, MOBA, Racetrack, smoothness, levelling, performance Ratings : 
Category : Road Construction, Paving Quality, Earthmoving, Earthmoving, Road Construction, Earthmoving
One of the top companies in Sharjah, UAE is relying on the MOBA Land Leveling System for tractors to

An "eco-city", "sustainable city", different in name, same in meaning. Encapsulating every environmentally-safe, salvaged, recycled means, well-planned and implemented...Result...a City is Born. But, A city not just born, a well- developed, cultivated and
kphalen 07.12.2015 0 2895

Inside the development of the technology driven city What distinguishes s smart city today from its 1st generation? From a technology-driven approach to citizen-involvement. Great article to read! What are the tools and products needed to accelerate that
jutta 07.12.2015 0 2709

When a city wants to become a Smart City, the Technology is the tool to obtain and manage the raw material. This raw material is the enormous amount of data that a city produces in the different services, infrastructures and citizens. A lot of technologies
climent 07.12.2015 0 3570

Smart Cities – Climent Vilatersana already described this concept and what MOBA can contribute to this vision in his Smart Cities blog - it is a concept that describes the vision of an intelligent, networked city that uses new technologies to develop new p
sabine 04.12.2015 0 4423

Educating people. Opening doors. No key to these cities. Snowball effect...contagious, results in impressive change. Every community ""is capable"" of adoption. Taking steps towards Smart City. Spectacular Smart City Actions and Reactions BUILDINGS -
kphalen 04.12.2015 0 2944

Ultrasonic technologies are used in smart waste management solutions. By 2030, almost two-thirds of the world’s population will be living in cities. This fact makes the development of sustainable solutions for urban life a requirement, already. Efficient
ronald 04.02.2015 0 15705

First MOBA Inhouse exhibition with lectures and presentations about our weighing and identification solutions.
Marobl1981 20.11.2013 1 2786
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